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  Journal Paper

Paper Title :
Green Cover as a Social Catalyst for a city – Case Study: Pune

Author :Divya Mallavarapu

Article Citation :Divya Mallavarapu , (2020 ) " Green Cover as a Social Catalyst for a city – Case Study: Pune " , International Journal of Advances in Mechanical and Civil Engineering (IJAMCE) , pp. 19-25, Volume-7,Issue-1

Abstract : A city‘s social status is defined by how its resources and its conditions, make it comfortable for its inhabitants to thrive. A social condition in a city is mostly governed by its physical features, the availability of resources, climate, etc. Climate being one of the major influential factors for a thriving social life in the city. However, the green cover would define the micro climate and the social pattern in the city. The social well-being would indirectly be influenced by the percentage of green cover in the city moderated by the trees. Trees are a vital part of any city's landscape and green cover. They help in pulling down pollution levels, reduce sound levels, bring down temperatures and invite rain. The green cover in Pune, a suburban city in west India is fast depleting, due to the urban sprawl and fast paced development. Earlier, trees could be found shading the roads in public spaces, sidewalks, by the windows in residential complexes etc. But as one drives along the city - it's a dry landscape; a concrete jungle, glass facades, tall buildings, un-shaded pathways, concrete and tar roads, hoardings, traffic!! . The lack of green cover in the city has caused the ambient temperatures to go up. The city has seen an average minimum temperature rise up to four degrees in the past decade. Additionally, it has been observed that city dwellers prefer to stay in areas with more green cover, walk on shaded footpaths and drive on shaded roads. There seems to be a constant competition between the BUILT and the GREENS in the city for land. Left to it, the BUILT will win its way. In effort to save the GREENS, the National (Indian) Forest Policy was conceived in 2016, to maintain 33% of the country‘s geographical area under forest and green cover. This paper explores the acts/policies and citizens‘ participatory ACTIONS in Pune (Maharashtra, India) that focus their efforts towards maintaining the GREEN in the city. Through a case study approach we discuss the hurdles for implementation of these policies as well as highlight some successful initiatives that show a way forward. Keywords - Climate, Green Cover, Social Well-Being, Trees.

Type : Research paper

Published : Volume-7,Issue-1


Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals

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| Published on 2020-03-11
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