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  Journal Paper

Paper Title :
The Correlation between the Intended Teachers' DNA Profile Perceptions for their Schools and their Organizational Citizenship Level

Author :Aynur Bozkurt Bostanci, Ali Tosun

Article Citation :Aynur Bozkurt Bostanci ,Ali Tosun , (2017 ) " The Correlation between the Intended Teachers' DNA Profile Perceptions for their Schools and their Organizational Citizenship Level " , International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS) , pp. 84-88, Volume-3,Issue-9

Abstract : The aim of this study is to determine whether there is a relationship between the intended teachers' DNA profile perceptions for their schools and their level of organizational citizenship. Organizational DNA is an advanced approach with its unique characteristics and structure similar to human DNA as a living organism for organizations' purposes and employees. Organizational citizenship can be defined as the contribution of organizational employees to organizational productivity by participating in more role-related behaviors exhibited in a voluntary and voluntary manner. Organizational citizenship behavior is largely related to organizational performance because it is a superior understanding of work behavior. Organizational citizenship behavior includes issues such as protecting organizations from destructive and undesirable behavior, accepting recommendations, developing skills and skills, and establishing an effective and widespread communication network. In this sense, it is especially important to know that teachers' organizational citizenship behaviors are seen at a higher level in schools with DNA profiles. The main reason for determining what organizational DNA is is to determine what might be the critical interventions of organizations with a lifespan, such as humans, by extending their survival. The ability of schools to achieve efficiency and achieve school goals depends on the efforts of teachers who play a key role. It is thought that the school DNA profile is an important indicator in terms of pursuing our vision to find a direction for employees' future. Identification of DNA profiling, which is often indicated by organizational citizenship behaviors on schools, will increase the productivity and effectiveness of schools in their schools as well as contribute to the well-being of schools in terms of their survival. Moreover, the fact that the relationship between Organizational DNA and organizational citizenship has never been examined is another aspect of the project's originality. The research is in the relational screening model. The universe of the research consists of 3,700 teachers working in Uşak. The sample of the research consists of four hundred primary, secondary and high school teachers working in Uşak. In this research, it will be tried to show how the schools in Uşak province generally determine the DNA profiles and the level of organizational citizenship of these professions. According to the research results teachers perception of organizational politics show some differences in terms of their gender and the number of teachers at the same in some dimensions. Male teachers to female teachers, teachers who work in crowded schools to teachers working in small schools have more political perceptions than the others. Moreover, teachers’ perception of organizatioal politics does not vary in terms of their seniority and working period in the same school. Teachers’ emotional labour level shows differences in terms of gender, seniority and working period in the same school at the dimension of “deep role playing”. It has been determined that male teachers to female teachers; teachers who have been working more than those who have been working shorter in the same school; and senior teachers to junior teachers have higher level of emotional labour in “deep role playing” dimension. Teachers’ emotional labour level does not change according to the number of the teachers in the school. Lastly, the results show that there is a low relation between the teachers’ perception of organizational politics and their emotional labour level. Keywords - Emotional Labour, Organizational Politics, political Behaviour, Political Perception

Type : Research paper

Published : Volume-3,Issue-9


Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals

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