Paper Title
Comparative Physiochemical Analysis of Pond Water in Bhilai Durg Chhattisgarh, India

Water is an important component for all the living forms. Portable water is essential to human and other life forms even though it provides no calories and no organic nutrients. Present study on the preliminary physiochemical of pond water in Durg district Bhilai area. The samples were taken from the various places of Bhilai such as Junwani, Kurud, ACC Jammul, Maroda village ponds for preliminary analysis of physiochemical.1 The collected samples were analyzed for the parameters like pH, TDS, Dissolved oxygen (DO), Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), Hardness, Ca, Mg, Chloride and Alkalinity. The comparative investigation of physiochemical characteristics of water samples with the BIS stander parameters that the improvement of water quality parameter should be carried out periodically to developed the water sources.4 Keyword - Preliminary Physiochemical Analysis of Pond Water in Bhilai