Paper Title
A Review on Investigation and Comparative Analysis of Disc Brake Rotors
One of the most important systems in an automobile is the braking system. The disc brake is a device for regulating the rotation of a wheel. Repetitive braking of the vehicle results in heat generation during each braking event. During braking the kinetic energy and potential energy of a moving vehicle is converted to thermal energy in the form of frictional heat in the brake disc and pads, this heat must be effectively transferred to ensure safe operation. Brakes change friction into heat, but in case the brakes get too hot, they will stop to work because they cannot dissipate enough heat. This condition of failure is called as brake fade. The disc brakes are exposed to large thermal stresses during regular braking and extraordinary thermal stresses during hard braking. .In this study Finite element analysis approach has been considered in order to identify the temperature variations, thermal flux distribution and behavior of disc brake rotor in transient state. This paper present reviews of previous investigation on transient thermal analysis on the disk brake rotor and rotor designs to evaluate and compare their performance. The prime of aim of this review work is to study various researches done in the past to improve heat transfer rate of disc brake by changing rotor geometry and material.
Keywords- Disc brake, Solid disc rotor, Slotted disc rotor, Thermal analysis, CATIA, ANSYS.