Paper Title
In-vitro Release of Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) from Alginate-Inulin Hydrogel
This study investigates the controlled release of a model of protein drug, Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) from
alginate-inulin hydrogels produced through ionotropic gelation method. The amount of inulin has been the main factor
affecting the stability and efficiency of hydrogels in protecting the BSA from gastric degradation in the stomach and absorpt ion
in intestinal tract. The encapsulation efficiency of BSA was increased as the amount of inulin incorporated into the hydrogel
was increased. The in-vitro dissolution of these hydrogels demonstrated that only a trace amount of protein was released in
simulated gastric fluid, SGF (pH 1.2). However, after changing into simulated gastric fluid, SIF (pH 7.4) 100% of protein was
released within 1.5 hours. The swelling index of alginate-inulin hydrogels was lower in acidic (pH 1.2) compare in alkaline
phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) indicating pH sensitive swelling behavior. These hydrogels were also characterized by SEM and TA
for hydrogels surface morphology and hydrogels strength, respectively. Moreover, among all the formulations produced,
formulation 2% (w/v) ALG- 5% (w/v) inulin has shown the best results with the most suitable sustained protein release
pattern during SIF exposure and also demonstrated the highest hydrogel strength after SGF exposure. These findings suggest
that sodium alginate-inulin hydrogels could be advantageous as oral administration of protein drugs to prolong efficacy and
improve bioavailability.
Index Terms - Alginate, Inulin, Protein release, Controlled delivery.