Paper Title
Design and Analysis of a Positive-Drive Double-Piston Synchronous Gentle Pump
The paper presents the design and analysis of a novel positive-drive double-piston synchronous gentle pump which targets stress-sensitive fluids. The pump consists of two pistons, which rotate in a synchronized manner inside a circular channel with rectangular cross section. Each piston is positively driven by an external servomotor, and the motion of the two servomotors is synchronized by a microcontroller. Analytical modeling of the flow field in the suction and in the compression channels of the pump result in a set of analytical expressions, which allows estimating the torque, power and hydraulic efficiency of the pump. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software was used to verify the analytical results.
Keywords - Double-Piston Synchronous Pump, Stress-Sensitive Fluids, Positive-Drive, Gentle Pumping