Paper Title
Citizen Science for Participatory and Sustainable Urban Design
The poor design of the cities and buildings significantly contributes towards the pollution of the environment. The sustainable urban design based on participatory principles and citizens science can substantialy assist the delivery of resilient spaces, buildings and communities which also incorporate the needs of the local residents. This paper examines the concepts of citizen participation, design science and citizen design and their potential for implementation in participatory urban design in order to provide integration of the demands of the key stakeholders in the process, as well as to empower them with scientific tools and methods and support their decision making process in a complex design and contextual environment. In that regard relevant projects of CS in urban planning are compared as well as methods and tools for Citizen science for investigation of certain urban issues, data collection, data analysis, motivation of stakeholders etc. Additionally, several management methodologies and standards are compared, as well as sustainable management methodologies and in that regard certain aspects are identified which can be applied in the citizen science management process. The possibilities of collaborative design platforms are noted, as a knowledge base for the promotion of Citizen Science in the urban planning. The findings show that Citizen Science can have a significant role in integrative and sustainable urban design processes. Moreover, the establishment of collaborative CS platforms for urban design can utilize and incorporate the concept of the „smart cities‟ in order to enhance their success in the participatory design process. The findings contribute towards the development of sustainable, inclusive and participatory Citizen Science platform for the design of the urban environment.The authors would like to acknowledge the CA 15212 Citizen Science COST Action for its excellent research and networking possibilities. Keywords - Citizen Science, Integrative design, Collaborative platforms, Sustainable urban design, Design Management.