Paper Title
Helios2 Time-Of-Flight Camera Settings Optimization for Digitization of Objects with Different Surface Properties

Abstract - One of the nowadays challange of developing Smart Manufacturing in the context of Industry 4.0 is real-world objects digitization to be used for machine and robot vision. This paper discusses the 3D Time-of-Flight digitization solution Helios2 along with the ArenaSDK software package and their use in digitizing objects with different surface properties. Helios2 ToF camera is an advanced device that allows you to digitize physical objects in real time, which can be used for computer and robotic vision. The aim of this research was to verify the use and functionality of the camera for the needs of digitization of objects with different surfaces in real-time, focusing on difficult to digitize surfaces. The first part of the article describes the Helios2 device, its physical and software capabilities and important features of the ArenaView GUI which affect the quality of the obtained point cloud. As part of the experiments, a digitization scene in laboratory conditions was prepared, in which objects with different surfaces were digitized. Objects made of cardboard with natural, black and white cardboard, black and white plastic and objects packed in transparent foil were digitized. Features settings of Helios2 were adjusted and the obtained data quality was compared. The results showed that white and black materials are more difficult to digitize with Helios2 ToF technology, because the white material reflects light and black absorbs light too much. Within the transparent materials, the light reflections are multiplied and the data obtained included significant decrease of quality. It was possible to improve the quality of the obtained data by adjusting the settings, and the 3D data of these objects are usable. It can be concluded that Helios2 is a useful tool suitable for further use and research within smart manufacturing. Keywords - Helios2, ArenaSDK, Time-of-Flight, Point Cloud.