Paper Title
Identifying Tinospora Cordifolia Bioactive Compounds with the Greatest Inflammatory Therapeutic Potential

Giloy, a traditional herb, having the potential to modulate the nuclear factor-κB (Nf-κB) pathway, a signaling system that encompasses both noncanonical and canonical routes, both of which are important in many inflammatory reactions. This research focuses on the potential of bioactive compounds found in Tino spora cordifolia (Giloy) to reduce inflammation induced by an auto-immune reaction in the human body instead of a synthetic drug which have many side effects. This herb contains therapeutic Alkaloids, Diterpenes, Sterols, Glycosides, Aliphatic Compounds, and Hydroxycinnamic Acids. Sinapic Acid was discovered to be the greatest bioactive with the highest anti-inflammatory therapeutic potential of all. Keywords - Inflammation, Bioactive, Cytokines, Auto Immune Disorder