Paper Title
Predictive Modeling for Breast Cancer Prediction Based on Machine Learning Classification Algorithms and Features Selection Methods

Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of death among women worldwide. However, early prediction of breast cancer plays a crucial role. Therefore, strong needs exist for automatic accurate early prediction of breast cancer. In this paper, Machine Learning (ML) classifiers combined with features selection methods are used to build an intelligent tool for breast cancer prediction. Features selection reduce the input features by selecting only relevant features for ML model training. Moreover, 10-fold cross-validation approach is applied to the selected features to reduce the bias of the model and ensuring that the model is not overfitting the data. Wisconsin Diagnostic Breast Cancer (WDBC) dataset is used in order to train and test the model. Based on the experimental results, the highest accuracy is obtained with the combination of the LightGBM classifier and the features selected by mRMR achieving 98%. Keywords - Breast Cancer; Classification; AI; Support Vector Machines; Logistic Regression; K-Nearest Neighbors; Naïve Bayes; Random Forest; Light Gradient Boosting Machine; 10-Fold Cross-Validation