Paper Title
Performance Metrics with Block Height on Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain

Blockchain is a decentralized ledger of immutable digital data that may be used by a variety of organizations. The only way to operate data on the private blockchain is through an authorized organization of customers. Hyperledger Fabric (HLF) is a type of private blockchain. The Fabric is made up of different modules, including endorsers, orderers, and committers. Although HLF can handle a faster transaction speed, the performance of HLF depends on the system configuration parameter values during the system set up time. The parameter values of block timeout and block size in the orderer section is one of the system requirements which need to predefine to meet the demand of a system’s performance. The number of block height is also affected in the blockchain by defining the suitable values of them. Specifically, the paper analyzes the parameters of block timeout and block size in the orderer section to determine the most suitable values that align with the user's system requirements. By studying and optimizing these parameters, the proposed system aims to enhance the performance and efficiency of the HLF blockchain implementation for the blockchain-based system. Keywords - Blockchain, Hyperledger Fabric, Endorsers, Orderers, Committers, Block Height