Paper Title
An Analytical And Numerical Study On The Analysis Of A Composite Drive Shaft Tube
In this paper, the theoretical and numerical analysis of a composite drive shaft tube is achieved. The shaft tube is
made of carbon/epoxy composite material and is produced using filament winding method. In the theoretical part of the
study, a Matlab code is written to calculate the Tsai-Wu first ply failure index. The classical laminate theory is used for this
purpose. The in-plane forces are calculated corresponding to the torque applied to the shaft tube. The stresses occuring on
the layers and Tsai-Wu first ply failure index are calculated for the laminated plate subjected to the in-plane forces. The
numerical part of the study is carried out using ABAQUS finite element software. The shaft tube is modeled using layered
shell elements. Each filament wound is considered as one layer. One end of the shaft tube is fixed and a torque is applied to
the other end. The static analysis is achieved and the Tsai-Wu first ply failure index is obtained. The buckling analysis of the
shaft tube is also performed and the critical buckling torque is obtained. The Tsai-Wu first ply failure index obtained by
using matlab code and finite element method are compared and an agreement is found between them. The static and buckling
analysis using the finite element method are also achieved for the several filament orientation angles and stacking sequences.
The free vibration frequencies of the shaft tube are obtained performing a modal analysis by using ABAQUS finite element
software. Both ends of the shaft tube are freed in the modal analysis. The free vibration frequencies and modes of the shaft
tube are obtained. The results are evaluated with regards to filament orientation angle and stacking sequences.
Keywords- Composite Drive Shaft, Tsai-Wu Failure Criterion, Composite Laminate Theory, Modal Analysis.