Paper Title
Supplier Selection and Evaluation of Supplier Link in Supply Chain Management

In today’s competitive manufacturing and service industries decision making is a critical process. Supply chain management (SCM) is a network of businesses and in this network there are several critical decision making problems. One of them is supplier selection decision. Also, managing the supply base is an important but complex issue for all industries. One of the instruments companies use in this context is performance measurement and evaluation of supplier link. Supplier link is the link between focal company and the upstream member i.e. suppliers. A number of performance measures have been identified, and grouped under three specific performance criteria viz. effectiveness, efficiency, and quality. In this link effectiveness, efficiency, and quality of incoming materials can be monitored. For the uninterrupted supply of items to the successor entity in the supply chain, the role of supplier link is crucial, and to develop a performance measurement system for this link is very much required. Keywords— Supplier Evaluation, Performance Measurement, Supplier Link, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Quality.