Paper Title
Light Weight Conductive Polymer Composites Enclosure for Avionics
Conductive Polymer Composite (CPC) based enclosure was designed and developed to replace the
existingaluminium enclosure of 8 channel RS 422 FCS data recording unit (LRU) for supersonic aircraft. As a first step, based
on the requirement, the enclosure specifications were drawn. To validate the design, a prototype was developed and
characterized for mechanical shock (Arrestor landing Shock), Electromagnetic Interference Shielding Effectiveness (EMISE),
and Radiation Emission (RE). Various crucial parameters like lightning & galvanic corrosion were also addressed. The results
of these investigation revealed that light weight CPC LRU enclosure can replace the existing avionic metal enclosures with a
weight saving of approximately 50% and cost saving around 30%. The futuristic research work envisages the certification of
the component and the induction of the product to the Indian Air Force sector.
Key words - Conductive Polymer Composites, Enclosure, Electromagnetic Shielding Effectiveness, Design .