Paper Title
A Comparison Study Of Pulsed And Mb-Ofdm Uwb System Of Wpan Using Matlab-Vhdl Environment

Multiband Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (MB-OFDM) approach using UWB signals with short duration of pulses provide unique opportunities in short-range high data rate wireless applications possessing easy penetration capability through obstacles, high precision ranging and low processing power. Comparing FFT and Discrete Wavelet Packet Transform (DWPT) based MB-OFDM UWB, DWPT MB-OFDM provides lower side lobes in the transmitted signal reduces inter carrier interference (ICI) and narrowband interference (NBI). Performance study of different data rates of DWPT MB-OFDM is attempted for NLOS ultra wideband (UWB) channel in wireless personal area network. In this paper a comparison of DWPT MB-OFDM and DWPT MB-pulsed-OFDM UWB is carried out on a IEEE 802.15.3a channel model through MATLAB-VHDL model. A systematic process has been provided for designing the digital parts of the MB-OFDM communication system. At low data rate of 55 Mbps, performance of the DWPT MB-pulsed-OFDM system in LOS medium is better due to its inherent frequency diversity than NLOS channel medium within the range of 0-4 meters. For both low and high data rate applications, DWPT MB-pulsed-OFDM outperforms the conventional FFT MB-OFDM and DWPT MB-OFDM in both LOS and NLOS UWB channel medium.