Paper Title :Seismic Performance Study Of Bridge Using Pushover Analysis
Author :P.S.Lande, A.D.Yawale
Article Citation :P.S.Lande ,A.D.Yawale ,
(2014 ) " Seismic Performance Study Of Bridge Using Pushover Analysis " ,
International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering (IJMPE) ,
pp. 50-53,
Abstract : In general the structure within elastic range have quiet high displacement & forces. There by requiring linear
methods for analysis. The bridge being a special type of structure requires higher load carrying capacity due to introduction
of ductility in design requiring the design for lesser forces as compared to the forces obtained in elastic range. Pushover
analysis (Non linear analysis) is an effective tool to evaluate the expected non-linear behavior and consequent failure pattern
in different components of the bridge. The present study, deals with nonlinear pushover analysis at a specific bridge structure
with elastic foundation in urban area. The procedure recommended in ATC 40 (Capacity Spectrum method) is adopted for
analysis under various seismic demand. The hinge formation for expected performance level are recorded. The response
parameter like base shear & roof displacement are studied. Performance point for bridge under consideration is determined.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-2,Issue-8
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2014-08-04 |