Paper Title :Power Inadequacy, The Thorn in Economic Growth of Sub-Saharan Africa
Author :Ws. Ebhota, Py Tabakov
Article Citation :Ws. Ebhota ,Py Tabakov ,
(2019 ) " Power Inadequacy, The Thorn in Economic Growth of Sub-Saharan Africa " ,
International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering (IJMPE) ,
pp. 41-45,
Abstract : The socioeconomic activities in SSA have been impacted negatively by insufficient power supply. Yet the huge
energy potentials available in the region are insignificantly tapped. Hence, this study x-rays power situation in the region; the
factors that determine the level of power need; and the several interventions in the region’s power sector. The study reported
that population, industry, transportation, agriculture, and commercial services are the main determinants of energy demand
in SSA. Industrial, transportation and residential sectors consume most energy in the region. Urbanization, industrialisation,
and the general economic wellbeing of SSA population depend largely on effective clean, adequate, affordable and
sustainable power supply. To meet this, the study discusses power technical activities that must be must logically handled.
These technical activities are power generation; efficient power transmission to users; reasonable level of domestic power
equipment manufacturing infrastructure; efficient power distribution to the users; management of population growth; and
national and regional power infrastructural development plan and enabling policies for power sector investments.
Keywords- Power in Africa; Energy trilemma; Africa Energy potential; Africa electricity; Generation and consumption
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-7,Issue-2
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2019-05-21 |