Paper Title :Modeling and Simulation of Quadcopter for Different Flight Conditions
Author :Htet Soe Paing, Schagin Anatoly, Kyaw Soe Win
Article Citation :Htet Soe Paing ,Schagin Anatoly ,Kyaw Soe Win ,
(2024 ) " Modeling and Simulation of Quadcopter for Different Flight Conditions " ,
International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering (IJMPE) ,
pp. 1-6,
Abstract : The development of multi-rotor quadcopter in general and quadcopters in particular makes it possible to use the
latter in various fields of human activity, and not just for spectacular photo and video shooting.When solving more serious
problems (for example, when tracking a moving target or flying along a given trajectory), quite high requirements are
imposed on the quadcopter control system in terms of quality and speed. To develop a control system, it is necessary to
clearly understand how a quadcopter functions, how a given object is controlled, and for the direct development of control
algorithms, it is necessary to have the most adequate mathematical model. This article describes the principle of flight and
control of a quadcopter; a complete nonlinear mathematical model of a quadcopter is built with taking into cycle account of
Keywords - multi-rotor, following mode, surrounding mode, PID controller
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-12,Issue-5
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2024-07-24 |