Paper Title
Simulation Of New Design Muffler To Reduce Noise In Exhaust System Of Si Engine
In this research, a finite element approach is presented for modeling and analysis of expansion type muffler are used
often in the modern day’s automotive exhaust system. The component is analyzed by using Pro-Mechanica FEA tool, modal
analysis is carried out on the expansion muffler to avoid resonance condition, natural frequency and mode shapes are
presented. The design of silencer of SI engine is a key issue to attenuate or emphasize certain spectral components of tailpipe
noise. The optimization of complex shape silencer system is generally a time-consuming operation, which must be carried out
by means of concurrent experimental measurements and numerical simulations. This paper, aims to reduce exhaust noise
produced from the exhaust system of C-12 portable 4-stroke SI engine. Exhaust gases from the engine is high pressure, these
gases the noise would be tremendous for this reason, the exhaust gases are made to flow through a muffler, it consists of series
of metal plates and tubes with required design aspects. Pressure of the gases is reduced when they pass through an expansion
type muffler so that the gases out through tail pipe quietly.