Paper Title
Analysis of Kluger’s Tyre using Theoretical and Numerical Approach With Different Speeds and Loads
This paper presents the structural analysis of car’s tyre at different speeds and loads. The model of the tyre is drawn by using Solid Works software 2014 and analyzed by ANSYS 14.5. The material of tyre is rubber. Tyre sidewall marking is P205/75R*15.There are many forces acting on tyre. Inflation pressure is 241kPa. The investigation is made on tyre model of station wagon, Toyota’s Kluger. Principal von- Mises stress theory, strain theory and deformation equations are applied for theoretical stress, strain and deformation analysis of tyre by theoretically and numerically. The results from theoretical and numerical approaches of tyre are compared at different speeds and loads. The weight is considered for total weight with 5 or 6 or 7 persons respectively. Total weight is the sum of car weight, extra weight. The maximum von-Mises stress of tyre at 100km/h is5.4174MPafor 5 persons’s weight by theoretically. Von-Mises stress, strain and deformation of tyre for 5 person’s weight is less than the tyre for 6 and 7 person’s weight by theoretically and numerically. The maximum von-Mises stress of tyre at 100km/h are not exceeded the yield stress of the rubber. So, car can be driven with 5 persons.
Keywords - Deformation, Inflation Pressure, Rubber, Speeds, Stress.