Paper Title
Structural Analysis of Roller Gear for Semiautomatic Portable Noodles-Making Machine
This paper focuses on the design and structural analysis of roller gear for a semiautomatic portable noodlesmaking
machine by changing roller gear face widths and three different materials (ASTM A 536, ASTM A 220 and AISI
1020). Gear corrosion occurs at contact points as a result of bending stress and contact stress. This is the major source of the
gear failure of the semiautomatic portable noodles-making machine. This whole mechanism will be driven by a 180W
capacitor-start induction motor according to the motor power selection. Pitch diameters of 50mm and module of 5mm spur
gear is selected in the design of roller gear. In theoretical analysis, the Lewis bending stress equation is used. In the
numerical analysis,the geometry is created by SolidWorks software. The minimum von-Mises stress and effective strain are
found on AISI 1020 material by using ANSYS 17.0 software. In this paper, von-Mises stress and effective strainare analyzed
by changing the face widths of roller gears to 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 14mm and 16mm and using finite element analysis
(FEA). Although all Face widths are safe for this design, 12mm is chosen in this paper due to power consumption and stress
points of view.
Keywords - Noodles roller gears, Lewis Bending Stress, AGMA Contact Stress, Changing Face Width, FEA