Paper Title
Computational Modeling and Simulation for Soil Surface Explosion Proble Considering Actual Bomb Geometries
In this study, numerical simulations were conducted using SPH (Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics) with Hyper
Works-RADIOSS (®Altair) software with the aim of positively reducing the evacuation radius set up when unexploded
ordnance is disposed. We constructed an analytical model that takes into account the actual bomb geometries and finely
discretized the SPH pitch compared to simulations conducted in previous studies to observe the fragments behavior more
detailed. Furthermore, we observed changes in the fragment‟s behavior due to differences in soil types. the computational
results have been observed that the fragments behavior is significantly dependent the characteristic of soil and the amounts
of explosive.
Keywords - Numerical simulation, Soil surface explosion, Unexploded ordnance, Smoothed particle hydrodynamics