Paper Title
Selection Of Facility Layout Design Using Promethee And Vikor
A manufacturing plant or service center generally is an integrated system comprising of physical arrangement of
different facilities within a spatial environment such as, equipment, machines, materials, human accommodation. So a plant
may be viewed as a large number of finite geometric areas arranged on the floor space of the building. The problem of
arranging these areas in an effective manner is the facility layout problem. The importance of facility layout is the efficient
arrangement operation of an enterprise due to their effect in achieving an efficient product flow. In the present work,
alternative multiple criteria decision making methodologies are used for selection of facility layout design selection
problems. Here the PROMETHEE (Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluation) and VIKOR (the
Serbian name is ‘Vlse Kriterijumska Optimizacija Kompromisno Resenje’); the two multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA)
method based ranking procedures are presented and is compared with the results of the available MCDA based ones. This
study proposes an approach of deriving the rank value, in order to get optimal configuration, from the average of more than
one set of rank results obtained through the deployment of MCDA methodologies.