Paper Title
Static Finite Element Analysis Of N1 Type Chassis For Bending Performance Under Consideration Of Different Chassis Material Properties
The Automotive chassis is considered as the backbone of the vehicle. On chassis different members are
provided to strengthen it and an important consideration in chassis design is also to have adequate bending stiffness for
better handling characteristics. Thus, strength and stiffness are two important criteria for the design of the chassis. This paper
is related with work performed towards the static structural analysis of the N1 type chassis andstudy of variation of bending
stiffness of Chassis with different material properties as a part of final year graduate project at Automobile Research
Association of India (ARAI).Structural systems like the chassis can be analyzed using the finite element techniques. Hence,
a proper finite element model of the chassis is to be developed. The chassis in this project is modeled in CATIA V5.
Analysis is done using the FEA software ANSYS.
Keywords— Chassis, Catia, Ansys, Bending, Stiffness.