Paper Title
Evaluation Of Deflection Due To Bending Of N1 Type Vehicle Chassis Members Using Static Finite Element Analysis
Chassis is the foremost component of an automobile that acts as the frame to support the vehicle body. Strength
and stiffness are two important criteria for the design of the chassis. This paper introduces finite element analysis and
describes the process of finite element analysis used for computation of bending stiffness of chassis. The cross members of
chassis are also analyzed for deflection due to bending. The research work was performed as a part of final year project at
the Automobile Research Association of India (ARAI).The CAD model of chassis was done using approximate dimensions
of N1 type TATA Ace chassis. Software used was CATIA V5 for modeling and ANSYS Workbench for analysis. The static
loads acting on chassis were calculated by measuring the load acting due to other components of the vehicle on the chassis
under static conditions.
Keywords— Bending deflection, stiffness, CATIA V5, ANSYS, N1 typevehicle Chassis.