Paper Title
CFD Analysis Of Gas Turbine Combustor Primary Zone Using Different Axial Swirler Configurations
This paper presents CFD analysis results of primary zone of a gas turbine combustor having an axial swirler.
Swirler aerodynamics place a vital role in the quality of flow pattern in primary zone and has a direct impact on the
combustor performance. Several parametric studies have been carried out to study the effect of various swirler parameters
like vane angle, vane shape (flat or curved), inlet angle etc., on the strength and size of recirculation zone existing in the
primary zone. Analysis has been carried out using the commercially available CFD code ‘ANSYS Fluent’. Geometrical
modeling has been carried out using Gambit. Through the study, it has been found that the geometrical parameters of
swirlersignificantly affect the recirculation zone pattern in primary zone of combustor.
Keywords— Axial Swirler, Recirculation zone, Combustor, Swirl number.