Paper Title
Environmental Conscious Product Design Using Cad And CAE
Environmental consciousness has been regarded as an important concept for survival in the contemporary
scenario. Modern design engineers are in need of approaches for creating environmentally friendly products. In this context,
this project reports a case study carried out in an Indian rotary switches manufacturing organisation. The existing
components of rotary switch have been modelled using Computer Aided Design (CAD). Then the sustainability analysis has
been carried out for determining the environmental impact. This is followed by the optimisation of the components using
Computer Aided Engineering (CAE). The environmental impact has been measured in terms of carbon footprint, energy
consumption and air/water impacts. It has been found that the optimised components possess minimal environmental impact.
The sustainability improvement before and after the implementation of the proposed approach has been computed.
Keywords — CAD; CAE; Environmental Conscious Product; Product design and manufacture; Design for Environment.