Paper Title
Use Of Viscous Damper As An Energy Dissipative Device In Steel Structures
The devices which dissipates energy in civil engineering structures are taken into consideration when it comes to
removing unwanted energy such as wind, earthquake and instability. The absorption of the seismic input energy in the
buildings and reducing its damage are the main objectives of these devices. This study is concentrated on Energy dissipation
system provided by Viscous Dampers (VD).A 3D numerical exploration is done considering the seismic response of five
storey, six storey, seven storey, eight storey, nine storey, ten storey steel building moment frame with diagonal bracing as
viscous damper that have linear force versus velocity behaviour. The non-linear time history of various earthquake is
considered for analysis according to IS-1893 2002 and carried out using SAP2000 V14 software and comparisons between
the conventional steel structure and damped steel structure are shown in a charted and graphical format. The results of the
various systems are studied to evaluate the structural response, inter-storey drift, maximum roof displacement and maximum
base shear with and without this device of the energy dissipation hence results obtained were discussed. The deductions from
the results obtained showed an increase of the structural potential with supplemental dampers to improve its dissipative
capacities. It is contributing significantly to reduce the displacements and efforts generated by the seismic loads, which
consequently decreases the quantity of steel necessary for its overall stability.
Keywords- Steel structure, Energy dissipation, Viscous damper, Parkfield Earthquake, Time history.