Paper Title
An IOT Based Solar Integrated Smart Traffic and Valet Parking System using Raspberry PI

The world is developing very fast and it has to keep moving this way for continuous development by using latest technologies. At present the concept of ‘Smart City’ has gained much popularity. The IoT is a group of devices connected over a network using cloud computing, web applications and network communications in order to share information, store and retrieve data. Consistent efforts are being made in the field of IoT in order to maximize the productivity and reliability of urban infrastructure. But modern transport is failing to provide smooth transportation system to the citizens. Problems such as, traffic congestion, limited car parking facilities and road safety are being addressed by IoT. This paper presents an IoT based solar integrated smart traffic and parking system . This smart traffic system gives the best solution to reach destination in less time. Similarly valet parking system monitors the state of availability of each parking space. This system uses a single board computer (Raspberry Pi) mounted on the platform, this device computes the control law and the result will be displayed in the Android mobile app which is user friendly. Index Terms - Internet of things (IoT), Raspberry Pi and Android app.