Paper Title :A Review Of Rheocasting Technique On Al/Mg Alloys
Author :Aman Rishu, Himanshu Kushwaha, Akshay Dubey, Ajay Goyal
Article Citation :Aman Rishu ,Himanshu Kushwaha ,Akshay Dubey ,Ajay Goyal ,
(2014 ) " A Review Of Rheocasting Technique On Al/Mg Alloys " ,
International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering (IJMPE) ,
pp. 63-66,
Abstract : The problem of casting Aluminium or Magnesium alloys is a big deal for researchers since molten alloys while
casting causes the occurrence of various defects. The defects arise when grain particles are settling down during normal
solidification by irregular arrangement and leading to dendrite forming structure along with solidification shrinkage and hot
tearing. In 1970, it is found that semi solid metal casting can sort out the above mentioned defects which utilize the
thixotropic behavior of the Aluminium and Magnesium alloys. In this paper, an attempt has been made to review the
properties of the Aluminium and Magnesium alloys, the SSR technique and DCRC process for the aluminium and
magnesium alloys.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-2,Issue-11
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2014-11-01 |