Paper Title :Investigation of Oblique Impulse in Experimental Modal Analysis via Finite Element Method
Author :Lian Yee Cheng, Khoo Shin Yee, Ongzhi Chao, Zubaidah Ismail, Chong Wen Tong, Siamak Noroozi
Article Citation :Lian Yee Cheng ,Khoo Shin Yee ,Ongzhi Chao ,Zubaidah Ismail ,Chong Wen Tong ,Siamak Noroozi ,
(2019 ) " Investigation of Oblique Impulse in Experimental Modal Analysis via Finite Element Method " ,
International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering (IJMPE) ,
pp. 38-42,
Abstract : Modal analysis is the study of dynamic characteristics of a structure, namely the natural frequency, modal
damping, and mode shapes. The conventional method is called Experimental Modal Analysis (EMA) with normal impulse
technique. The downside of this method is that it
requires a long data acquisition time, as the engineer has to perform the impulse in three directions, named axial-, horizontaland
vertical- axis of the structure to obtain all dynamic characteristics. Hence, this study proposed a single direction oblique
impulse to reduce data acquisition time by 66% for a 3D structure. The objective of this study is to investigate the feasibility
of oblique impulse in modal analysis via finite element method (FEM).The proposed method can be investigated
comprehensively and much quicker through virtual testing by FEM. The results of the proposed method are being
benchmarked to the results of computational modal analysis. It shows that the oblique impulse method is able to determine
the desired dynamic characteristics of the structure, which proves that EMA with oblique impulse technique is feasible and
has great potential to improve testing time of the conventional normal impulse testing.
Keywords - Experimental Modal Analysis, Computational Modal Analysis, Normal Impulse, Oblique impulse, Finite
Element Method.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-7,Issue-1
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2019-04-22 |