Paper Title :Layout Design and Evaluation Using Computer Relative Allocation of Facilities Technique
Author :Annant Dhawan, Dinesh Kumar Kasdekar, Sharad Agrawal
Article Citation :Annant Dhawan ,Dinesh Kumar Kasdekar ,Sharad Agrawal ,
(2014 ) " Layout Design and Evaluation Using Computer Relative Allocation of Facilities Technique " ,
International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering (IJMPE) ,
pp. 39-44,
Abstract : Design of a facility is a strategic issue that has a significant impact on manufacturing units. The design of facility
involves the placement of equipments, departments and their support system in such a way that they accomplish the work in
required time, reduce travelling distance of the material between the work stations and thus reduce the material handling
cost. The main objective for a factory layout design is to minimize the material handling cost. This paper aims to reallocate
the plants equipments in a way that they do not alter the manufacturing process but reduces the distance between different
workstations which in turn reduces the material handling cost. After designing the plant from the existing layout the
individual layouts are checked by CRAFT for their material handling cost.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-2,Issue-11
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2014-11-25 |