Paper Title :Study On Erosion Wear Performance Of Jute-Epoxy Composites Filled With Industrial Wastes Using Taguchi Methodology
Author :Arun Kumar Rout, Sucharita Sanghamitra Sahoo
Article Citation :Arun Kumar Rout ,Sucharita Sanghamitra Sahoo ,
(2015 ) " Study On Erosion Wear Performance Of Jute-Epoxy Composites Filled With Industrial Wastes Using Taguchi Methodology " ,
International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering (IJMPE) ,
pp. 9-13,
Abstract : Erosion wear process is considered as a complex non-linear problem due to its operating variables. The wear
process depends on various parameters such as impact velocity, impingement angle, material, erodent size, etc. In order to
obtain minimum erosion rate, experiments are to be conducted on the material with the combination of these parameters. In
the present work, waste granite powder is used as filler in the jute fiber reinforced epoxy composite. Four different weight
proportions of granite (0, 5, 10 and 15wt %) are used to fabricate four different composites. It is observed that granite filled
samples have shown better erosion resistance than unfilled ones.
Keywords- Epoxy, Erosion wear, Jute, Taguchi method
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-3,Issue-1
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Published on 2015-01-09 |