Paper Title :Application of Taguchi Techniques in Errosive Wear Analysis Glass Reinforced Epoxyhybrid Composites
Author :L.Rasidhar, Patnala Kranthi Kumar, J.S.Suresh
Article Citation :L.Rasidhar ,Patnala Kranthi Kumar ,J.S.Suresh ,
(2020 ) " Application of Taguchi Techniques in Errosive Wear Analysis Glass Reinforced Epoxyhybrid Composites " ,
International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering (IJMPE) ,
pp. 21-25,
Abstract : This article presents analysis of erosion reaction of a glass reinforced epoxy composites with modified weight quantities of third phase filler materials like Arabic gum tree coal powder(A.C.P), Jambal tree coal powder(J.C.P) and Neem tree coal powders(N.C.P) which act as secondary reinforcement materials. Taguchi method is well known technique, which provides a collective and effective approach for optimizing the design and experiments were followed by using Taguchi investigational design (L27 orthogonal array). Taguchi proposed experimental plan in terms of orthogonal array that gives different combinations of operational factors and their levels for each experiment. Finally, through experimentation has directed to determination of substantial process parameters and material variables that predominant influence the wear rate of glass reinforced epoxy with modified weight proportions of third phaseparticulate fillers of Arabic tree coal powder(A.C.P), Jambal tree coal powder(J.C.P) and Neem tree coal powders(N.C.P) respectively.
Keywords - Solid Particle Erosion, Epoxy, Natural Fillers (A.C.P/J.C.P/N.C.P), Taguchi Method
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-8,Issue-1
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Published on 2020-03-12 |