Paper Title :Modelling and Optimization of Recast Layer Thickness for WEDM of Inconel 706 using RSM
Author :Jwala Parshad, Vivek Aggarwal, Neelkanth Grover
Article Citation :Jwala Parshad ,Vivek Aggarwal ,Neelkanth Grover ,
(2024 ) " Modelling and Optimization of Recast Layer Thickness for WEDM of Inconel 706 using RSM " ,
International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering (IJMPE) ,
pp. 53-64,
Abstract : Because of particular problems with its machining and the general increase in demand for this class of materials,
superalloy machining is an important area of research interest. In the gas turbine sector, Inconel 706, a superalloy with
superior mechanical strength and exceptional high-temperature capability, has gained greater traction than Inconel 718.The
traditional machining of Inconel 706 superalloy delivers insufficient profile accuracy, low precision and inadequate surface
quality. The WEDM, a non-traditional method, affects work piece surface integrity issues such microstructure, recast layer
thickness, and micro hardness because of the thermo-electric nature of material removal. The turbine parts may fail
unexpectedly due to adverse surface integrity characteristics. Therefore, it has been suggested to optimize the parameters for
recast layer thickness through experimental research of WEDM of Inconel 706 using Response Surface Methodology
(RSM).The field tests were designed using the central composite design-based Box and Hunter technique. It is used because
of its adaptability, sequential operation, and effectiveness in yielding the total experimental error in the fewest number of
trials. Single response optimization using desirability function approach was performed to get the optimal parameter settings.
Electronica Sprint cut (ELPULS 40A DLX) WEDM machining tool along with Scanning electron microscope (SEM) has
been used has been used to control the process parameters for recast layer thickness. Pulse-on duration (49.67%), spark gap
voltage (34.42%), and peak current (11.82%) have the greatest effects on the RLT.12.88 μm and 5.52 μm are the highest and
lowest values of RLT, respectively, formed during the WEDM of Inconel 706. Single-response optimization achieved the
lowest RLT as 5.29 μm. Consequently, the recast layer thickness parameters were well-optimized by the suggested model.
Keywords : Inconel 706, WEDM, cutting rate, surface roughness, RSM
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-12,Issue-1
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Published on 2024-03-28 |