Paper Title :Viscoelastic Fluid Flow With The Presence Of Magnetic Field Past A Porous Circular Cylinder
Author :Basuki Widodo, Galuh Oktavia Siswono, Chairul Imron
Article Citation :Basuki Widodo ,Galuh Oktavia Siswono ,Chairul Imron ,
(2015 ) " Viscoelastic Fluid Flow With The Presence Of Magnetic Field Past A Porous Circular Cylinder " ,
International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering (IJMPE) ,
pp. 123-126,
Abstract : Abstract- We consider a magneto hydrodynamics (MHD) problem, i.e. Boundary layer flow of steady incompressible and
viscoelastic fluid with the presence of magnetic field passing over porous circular cylinder. The effect of magnetic field that
acts on the fluid is applied and assumed to be flowing in a porous medium. Dimensional Governing Equations are
formulated from the physical phenomena and reduced by using boundary layer theory. These dimensional boundary layer
further are converted into non-dimensional form by substituting several non-dimensional variables. Further, those non
dimensional equations are transformed into similar equations and solved numerically by using finite difference method. The
effect of various parameters involved in the solution have been studied. Numerical results for the flow quantities show that
temperature profiles increase when both of viscoelastic parameter and mixed convective parameter increase.
Keywords- Magnetohydrodynamics, Boundary Layer Flow, Viscoelastic Fluid, Porous Medium
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-3,Issue-8
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Published on 2015-08-08 |