Paper Title :Contact Angle Of Different Portion Of Beting Bamboo (Gigantochloa Levis) Treated With Maleic Anhydride For Composite Materials
Author :Wan Faizal Ab Wahid, Mansur Ahmad, Muhdbukhairi Rahmat
Article Citation :Wan Faizal Ab Wahid ,Mansur Ahmad ,Muhdbukhairi Rahmat ,
(2015 ) " Contact Angle Of Different Portion Of Beting Bamboo (Gigantochloa Levis) Treated With Maleic Anhydride For Composite Materials " ,
International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering (IJMPE) ,
pp. 68-70,
Abstract : Beting bamboo or scientifically known as Gigantochloa Levis is readily available, can be obtained at
lower cost, easy to harvest, and good in mechanical properties. Alteration of bamboo surface using chemical
treatment prior to making it as a product has been reported to have potential to enhance the structural and
functional properties of the product. The objective of this study is to determine which portion of bamboo (outer
and inner) is good in adhesion as well as the effect of different percentage of treatment (Maleic Anhydride (MA) -
0%, 0.5%, 1% and 2%) on bamboo surface properties such as contact angle, and chemical structure. The contact
angle, and chemical component of bamboo samples were determined using contact angle meter, and FT-IR
respectively. It is concluded that the combination ofinner portion of bamboo with 1% MA treatment showed the
mostsuitable outcome to be used in enhancing the surface properties of a product. Based on the spectroscopic
analysis using FTIR method, it was concluded that treating bamboo with MA chemically modified the surface of
bamboo as indicated by the spectrum on the analysis.There were major differences at the spectrums that showed
different assignments.
Index Terms—Beting bamboo, FT-IR, Maleic Anhydride, Surface Properties.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-3,Issue-10
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Published on 2015-10-09 |