Paper Title :Automotive Design And Analysis Of Turbo Charger With Eleven And Twelve Blades
Author :M Sai Vastav
Article Citation :M Sai Vastav ,
(2015 ) " Automotive Design And Analysis Of Turbo Charger With Eleven And Twelve Blades " ,
International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering (IJMPE) ,
pp. 120-125,
Volume-3, Issue-11
Abstract : The main objective of this study is to explore the analysis of a turbocharger turbine wheel with design and
material optimization. The study deals with structural and transient thermal analysis. A proper Finite Element Model is
developed using Cad software Pro/E Wildfire 5.0. In this project we are doing the design (11, 12 blades) and material
optimization in the turbocharger turbine wheel. This project we are designed the 3D model of the turbocharger turbine wheel
by using pro-e software and the analysis taken by different materials and the analysis taken by the ansys software. This
project we are analyzing the pressure acting on the turbocharger impeller turbine wheel by the three materials namely
inconel alloy 740, inconel alloy 783 and wrought aluminium 2219. Then the thermal analysis is done to determine the total
heat flux in the 11 and 12 plates for the given temperature conditions. The temperature acting on the surface of the
turbocharger impeller turbine wheel is applied. The results were also used to determine the total heat flux for a particular
Keywords- Turbocharger Turbine Wheel, Pro E, Design And Material Optimization, Finite Element Analysis.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-3, Issue-11
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2015-11-22 |