Paper Title :Charectorisation Of Fiber Reinforced Composites
Author :Kartikeya Srinivas V S
Article Citation :Kartikeya Srinivas V S ,
(2016 ) " Charectorisation Of Fiber Reinforced Composites " ,
International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering (IJMPE) ,
pp. 1-5,
Abstract : This project deals with characterizing various fiber reinforced composites. The various fiber reinforced
composites taken for study are Glass fiber reinforced plastic, Glass fiber and aluminium reinforced plastic, Glass fiber and
banana reinforced plastic and basalt fiber reinforced plastic. The various composites like Glass fiber reinforced plastic, Glass
fiber and aluminium reinforced plastic, Glass fiber and banana reinforced plastic and basalt fiber reinforced plastic are
prepared and tested to find it various mechanical property like ultimate tensile strength, ultimate compression strength and
the amount of energy absorbed by it during fracture by tensile, compression and impact tests. These properties thus tested
and found are studied and compared.
Keywords— Glass fiber reinforced plastic, Glass fiber and aluminium reinforced plastic, Glass fiber and banana reinforced
plastic, basalt fiber reinforced plastic, Hand lay-up method, Compression molding machine, Mechanical characteristics.
ASTM Standards.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-4,Issue-1
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2016-02-04 |