Paper Title :A Deadlock-Free Route Reservation Method For Automatized Decentralized Controlled Transportation In High Complex Distribution Centers
Author :Lukas Kopecki
Article Citation :Lukas Kopecki ,
(2016 ) " A Deadlock-Free Route Reservation Method For Automatized Decentralized Controlled Transportation In High Complex Distribution Centers " ,
International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering (IJMPE) ,
pp. 43-47,
Abstract : This paper introduces a method for finding a deadlock free route in decentralized organized high complex
transportation system with an example of a distribution center. These systems distinguish themselves by their complexity in
transportation more specific in blocking and jamming of transportation goods during runtime. Furthermore, the decentralized
control structure ensures more flexibility and a better scalability but lacks in information collecting. This heterarchical
approach need a routing method capable in operating autonomously with local information and information collection by
communication. Current approach focus on hierarchical structure by collecting data during runtime and defining a
transportation plan at specific times. The introduced method allows an only routing based on dynamic system structure and
calculating partial path during runtime based on current local information. This enables a high throughput by considering
changes in transportation like time changes.
Index Terms- Computer engineering, Information engineering, Mechanical engineering, Software engineering.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-4,Issue-1
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2016-02-04 |