Paper Title :A Study Of The Finite Difference Methods And The WENO Schemes In The Resolution Of Schrodinger Equation
Author :Yacine Benhadid
Article Citation :Yacine Benhadid ,
(2016 ) " A Study Of The Finite Difference Methods And The WENO Schemes In The Resolution Of Schrodinger Equation " ,
International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering (IJMPE) ,
pp. 6-11,
Abstract : The goal of this research was to examine the quantum mechanical phenomenon of tunneling with respect to the
Schrödinger Equation. A quantum mechanical wave is said to “tunnel” when it travels (propagates) through a classically
forbidden region. In a more physical interpretation, it is when the energy (E) of the wave is lower than the potential at a
specific point V(x). [A point where V(x) is greater than E is referred to as a classical turning point.] The phenomenon of a
tunneling was examined in a double-well potential. Another goal of this project was to compare two methods for
approximating the tunneling time of a wave packet. The two methods used were the finite difference method and WENO
approximation scheme In order to compare a potential that experienced tunneling and one that did not, the solution to a
quadratic potential was also solved.
Index Terms- WENO schemes, Finite difference, Schrodinger equation, Simulation.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-4,Issue-3
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2016-03-31 |