Paper Title :Performance Analysis Of Refrigerants Based On Ejector Expansion Technology
Author :Shubham Mishra, J Sarkar
Article Citation :Shubham Mishra ,J Sarkar ,
(2016 ) " Performance Analysis Of Refrigerants Based On Ejector Expansion Technology " ,
International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering (IJMPE) ,
pp. 40-43,
Abstract : Performance analysis of R32, Propylene, R600 R290, R600, R717 in VCR cycle by using ejector expansion
technology. use of constant pressure mixing ejector by us for the analysis purpose. In VCR cycle by fixing evaporating
temperature and condenser temperature for all the refrigerants calculation of the COP, work done by the compressor and
volumetric refrigeration capacity has been done for all the refrigerants.. .for each refrigerant deferent mixing pressure range
found for which solution exist. And for given range of mixing pressure we found optimum pressure for which COP is
maximum . Simple VCR and ejector based VCR has been compared on the basis of COP, work required by the compressor,
and volumetric refrigeration capacity. Improvement in COP of R32, propylene, R600, R290, R717,R152a is
13.484%,15.775% 11.91%,16.23 %,7.47, and 10.54% respectively. . Optimum value of entrainment ratio for all the
refrigerants also tabulated.
Keywords— Vapour Compression Cycle, Ejector, COP, Evaporating and Condensing Temperature, Optimum Pressure.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-4,Issue-3
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2016-03-31 |