Paper Title :Anti-Icing Using Smart Material In Aircraft
Author :S.Preethi, K.S.Pradeesh
Article Citation :S.Preethi ,K.S.Pradeesh ,
(2016 ) " Anti-Icing Using Smart Material In Aircraft " ,
International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering (IJMPE) ,
pp. 39-41,
Abstract : Ice-repellent coatings can have significant impact on the global energy saving and improving safety in many
infrastructures, transportation. Recent efforts for developing ice-phobic surfaces have been mostly devoted to utilize lotus
leaf-inspired superhydrophobic surfaces, yet these surfaces fail in high humidity conditions due to water condensation and
frost formation and even lead to increased ice adhesion due to a large surface area. We are going to present a radically
different type of ice-repellent material based on Slippery, Liquid-Infused Porous Surfaces (SLIPS), where an ultrasmooth
and slippery liquid interface is maintained by infusing a water-immiscible liquid into a nanostructured surface. We develop a
direct method of SLIPS on industrially relevant metals, particularly aluminum-allow, one of the most widely used materials
as lightweight structural materials for aircraft, marine vessels, and construction materials. SLIPS-coated Al surfaces not only
suppress ice/frost accretion by effectively removing condensed moisture even in high humidity conditions, but also exhibit at
least an order of magnitude lower ice adhesion than state of the-art materials. Based on a theoretical analysis followed by
extensive icing/deicing experiments, we discuss special advantages of SLIPS as ice-repellent surfaces. We show report that
our surfaces remain essentially frost-free even in high humidity conditions, in which any conventional materials accumulate
ice. These results indicate that SLIPS is a promising candidate for developing robust anti-icing materials for broad
applications in aircraft industries ,marine industries and auto-mobile industries
Key Words- Anti-frost surfaces, Nanostructure coating, slippery liquid-infused porous surface, electro-deposition.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-4,Issue-6
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2016-07-20 |