Paper Title :Smart Power Generation From Waste Heat By Thermo Electric Generator
Author :Prashantha.K, Sonam Wango
Article Citation :Prashantha.K ,Sonam Wango ,
(2016 ) " Smart Power Generation From Waste Heat By Thermo Electric Generator " ,
International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering (IJMPE) ,
pp. 45-49,
Special Issue 2016
Abstract : Generating electricity in present there is a shortage of fossil fuel, oil, gas, etc. burning of these fuels causes
environmental problem like radio activity pollution, global warming etc. So that these (coal, oil, gas) are the limiting
resources hence resulting new technology is needed for electricity generation, by using thermoelectric generators to generate
power as a most promising technology and environmental free and several advantages in production. Thermoelectric
generator can convert directly thermal (heat) energy into electrical energy. In this TEG there are no moving parts and it can
not be produce any waste during power production hence it is consider as a green technology. Thermoelectric power
generator convert direct waste heat in to generate electricity By this it eliminated emission so we can believe this green
technology. Thermoelectric power generation offer a potential application in the direct exchange of waste-heat energy into
electrical power where it is unnecessary to believe the cost of the thermal energy input .This method will have an maximum
outcome. The application of this option green technology in converting waste-heat energy directly into electrical power can
too improve the overall efficiencies of energy conversion systems. Heat source which is need for this conversion is less when
contrast to conventional methods. By using this energy is used to charge the mobile electronics
Keywords- Thermoelectric generator, seebeck effect, waste-heat recovery, alternative green technology, direct energy
conversion, thermocouple , thermal shield, thermoelectric materials, thermo electric module, thermal fin
Type : Research paper
Published : Special Issue 2016
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2016-09-27 |