Paper Title :Review on Application of Robotic Arm in Medical Field With Special Focus on CT Image Guided Biopsies
Author :Shah Shubham Kamlesh, Abhijeet Kumar, Ruby Mishra, Gourishankar Mohapatro
Article Citation :Shah Shubham Kamlesh ,Abhijeet Kumar ,Ruby Mishra ,Gourishankar Mohapatro ,
(2016 ) " Review on Application of Robotic Arm in Medical Field With Special Focus on CT Image Guided Biopsies " ,
International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering (IJMPE) ,
pp. 9-12,
Abstract : Medical and engineering are two very different fields of study or so is the general misconception. This review
paper aims on reviewing the researches and advances done in medical field by engineers. Specially the use of robotics to
improvise and simplify the treatment, diagnosis, surgery and other medical procedures. Use of robots in medical field has been
increasing since there has been a lot of successful and less painful surgeries using robotic expertise. This paper also reviews
researches and advances in robotic field such as different techniques in solution of inverse kinematics of a robot, various
designs and analysis of different robots and control of a robotic arm. At the end, this review paper compares our current
research on CT image guided robotic arm for biopsy of tumor and cancer tissue cells with previous researches and mentions
how our research will further help medical field in diagnostics. Hence this review paper gives in depth review about the use
and success of robotic technology in Medical field and also about advances in the field of robotics and compares them with our
current research on robotic arm for medical diagnostic intervention.
Index Terms— Medical robots, Solution of inverse kinematics, control of robotic arm, CT image guided robotic arm.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-4,Issue-11
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2016-12-09 |