Paper Title :Analysis of Project Procurement Parameters For Structural Materials Using Design of Experiment
Author :Harish Patel, Vivek Mishra
Article Citation :Harish Patel ,Vivek Mishra ,
(2016 ) " Analysis of Project Procurement Parameters For Structural Materials Using Design of Experiment " ,
International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering (IJMPE) ,
pp. 46-49,
Abstract : In the present scenario, different sectors wants to increase the productivity by reducing the unnecessary operation,
barriers, losses and environmental pollution that can help them for winning the trust of customers. They began to pay more
attention towards procurement. Implementation of procurement will result in significant improvement in all of these areas,
material and help to achieve the goal of the industry. Procurement is one of the important factors for saving cost, by
procuring better product at right place having good quality in right time for continuous work of any organization or
company. Procurement decision generally involves make or buy decision. With data examination, it becomes easy to make
use of economic analysis method such as cost-benefit analysis or cost utility analysis. In the present study various parameters
which are affecting the project procurement process in construction sector are considered. Design of experiments based on
Taguchi methodology is applied to determine the optimal parameter setting for steel and stone which are used in any
construction work. Response table for different parameters is also discussed in this paper.
Keywords- Procurement, Response Table, Materials, Parameters, Taguchi method.
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-4,Issue-11
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2016-12-26 |