Paper Title :Conductivity Enhancement of Polyaniline Through Chemical Oxidative Polymerization Assisted by Strong Acid Dopants
Author :Azwar Manaf, Yoga Julian Prasutiyo, Mas Ayuelitahafizah, Andreas
Article Citation :Azwar Manaf ,Yoga Julian Prasutiyo ,Mas Ayuelitahafizah ,Andreas ,
(2017 ) " Conductivity Enhancement of Polyaniline Through Chemical Oxidative Polymerization Assisted by Strong Acid Dopants " ,
International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering (IJMPE) ,
pp. 127-131,
Abstract : Synthesis of a conductive polymer with enhanced electrical conductivity obtained through chemical oxidative
polymerization in is discussed in this paper. The electrical conductive property of polyaniline being a valuable result which
is required in various applications.The conversion of aniline monomer into polymer chains was carried out through chemical
oxidative polymerization in acidic condition.Water soluble initiator (ammonium persulphate) was used at room temperature
(28 ̊C) for8 hours yielded a conductive polyaniline (PANi). The complete reaction was indicated by a temperature increased
up to 33°C at 240 and 270 minutes. It was followed by an increase in the viscosity value of polymer solution to 1.87 mPa.s
subject to Ostwald viscometer method. Particle sizesof polymer which are evaluated by Particle Size Analyzer (PSA)
indicated that there was a growing in size ofpolymerparticle during the polymerization reactionto a mean size value of
approximately 55 μm after the propagation process of carbon chain was ended after 270 minutes reaction time. The
conductivity value of PANiemeraldine salt (PANi-ES) was in the range between 8200 μS/cm and 8600 μS/cm. Various
strong acids, of respectively Nitric acid (HNO 3 ), Formic acid (HCOOH), Hydrochloric acid (HCl) and Perchloric acid
(HClO 4 ) were used as doping agents to enhance the electrical conductivity of PANi-ES. Among the four mentioned doping
agents, only HClO 4 able to enhance the electrical conductivity of PANi-ES. The HClO 4 doped PANi-ES resulted in an
electrical conductivity value of 27000 - 33104.41 μS/cm subject to evaluation by LCR Meter at frequencies in the range
between 0 and 100 KHz. The electrical conductivity of doped PANi at a frequency of 100 kHz is almost 5 times higher than
that of obtaining in PANi-ES.
Index Terms- Polyaniline; Strong acid doping agent; Conductive Polymer; Electrical conductivity
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-5,Issue-2
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2017-04-20 |