Paper Title :Spatial Variation of the Radioactive Element Polonium-210 in A Coal Burning Power Plant Area of Malaysia
Author :Lubna Alam, Mazlin Mokhtar, Mir Sujaul Islam
Article Citation :Lubna Alam ,Mazlin Mokhtar ,Mir Sujaul Islam ,
(2017 ) " Spatial Variation of the Radioactive Element Polonium-210 in A Coal Burning Power Plant Area of Malaysia " ,
International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering (IJMPE) ,
pp. 41-45,
Abstract : This study presents the results of Po-210 analysis in water, total suspended solid and sediment samples collected from a coal
burning power plant area of Malaysia. Hierarchical
the activity of Po-210. The calculation of flux allowed examining the vulnerability of study location based on the
concentrations of Po-210. Among all the stations, ash pond is detected as the most vulnerable location and the less affected
area is the inlet. Even though the fluxes of water and sediment are not so high, the coastal sea became the second most
vulnerable station because of the higher Po
burning on the marine environment of Kapar coastal area of Malaysia.
Keywords- Polonium, Coal, Water, sediment, TSS
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-5,Issue-8
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2017-10-21 |