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  Journal Paper

Paper Title :
Solid Waste as a Sustainable Source of Energy

Author :Paraneesrikaew

Article Citation :Paraneesrikaew , (2018 ) " Solid Waste as a Sustainable Source of Energy " , International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS) , pp. 6-9, Volume-4,Issue-4

Abstract : This research aims to 1) to promote a sustainable solid waste management to local administrative organization and Governmental Offices including citizen 2) to enhance solid waste management in community by unpolluted incinerator and renew it to green power energy and also local administrative organization’s or public land allocation to locate a municipal waste-to-energy plant in order to make it as a center of waste incinerator by collaboration with local administrative organization which are responsible for solid waste management. To operate the municipal waste-to-energy plant, it is required to have large waste logistics to prevent municipal garbage trucks from causing nuisance to people living in neighborhood of the plant and it is cost and time-effective. Nowadays, waste quantity in Thailand significantly increase because of continuous country development and community expansion. Thailand as one of the top tourist destination has significant growth in economics and society which certainly comes with more waste. In many countries, there are sustainable waste management which are role model for local administrative organizations. They have technology which can be employed for waste disposal and sufficient waste-to-energy production. This is the example that waste-to-energy plant can sustainably address waste problem and operate in the community without causing any problem. 1. Environmental impact from using technology, quantity and component of waste, municipal capacity in waste collection, problems in community, expensive waste management system process and construction, complicated budget approval, complexity in local administrative management, waste management policy in each government authority are different. Therefore, if we can address these problems, we can achieve our goal in renewing waste to electricity. The targeted generating capacity is 323 MW. The advantage of waste-to-energy are cost-effective and reduce problem of waste management. However, there are some limitation for waste-to-energy such as protestation against waste-to-energy plant from people in neighborhood and expensive high technology waste transform process. Therefore, we should employ proper technology to deal with pollution and chemical substance from waste incinerator. Moreover, the ownership of waste are disputable, for example, the investor (local administrative organization) of waste-to-energy plant may not be the owner of waste so the process of interest allocation maybe delayed. 2. The government should support to standardize management system development for waste in community, hazardous waste from industries, infectious waste and hazardous waste from abroad. Moreover, they should improve relevant organizations and regulations as Department of Industrial Works has authority to issue industrial licenses while Pollution Control Department is responsible for pollution problems and all local Administrative Organizations are in charge of waste management in community but there is no specific authority which is responsible for waste management policy and system as a whole. Therefore, the Government should set up this authority to regulate waste management and consult other relevant organizations on waste management issues. Index Terms - Alternative Energy, Waste, Sustainable, Energy

Type : Research paper

Published : Volume-4,Issue-4


Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals

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| Published on 2018-06-27
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