Paper Title :Effect of Varying Web Plate Thickness for Parabolic Shaped Locomotive Wheel Profile
Author :Ramya.D, C.Venkata Siva Murali, B.Mohan
Article Citation :Ramya.D ,C.Venkata Siva Murali ,B.Mohan ,
(2018 ) " Effect of Varying Web Plate Thickness for Parabolic Shaped Locomotive Wheel Profile " ,
International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering (IJMPE) ,
pp. 47-52,
Abstract : Railway locomotive wheel profile consists of three main portions which include hub portion, web plate portion
and rim portion. Due to the heavy contact application of loads on rim portion the internal stresses are developed in the web
plate portion. In this present paper parabolic locomotive wheel profile is considered for the study and analysis due to the
change of web plate thickness in the profile. The models with varying web plate thickness are designed by using 3-d
modeling software CATIA V5 R20. Static, modal and thermo-mechanical analyses are conducted by using the finite element
analysis commercial tool ANSYS 15.0. Axi-symmetric analysis is chosen for the study. AAR high carbon steel material is
chosen for the analysis. Stresses, displacements, natural frequencies are studied and stresses, displacements due to combined
application of mechanical and static loads are also studied by varying the web plate thickness and the better web plate
thickness is determined for the wheel profile.
Keywords - Parabolic locomotive wheel profile, web plate thickness, stresses, displacements, natural frequencies, ANSYS
Type : Research paper
Published : Volume-6,Issue-1
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Copyright: © Institute of Research and Journals
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Published on 2018-03-24 |